Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Who Deserves More?

While I was at Neon Tree's concert last night, thanks to Fever Avenue (which was quite awesome, btw), I noticed something that startled me. When the crowd began to raise their hands to some of the hit songs, I was struck by how similar it was (so it seemed, to me) to the excited youth congregation in worship at their various churches.

Crowd going wild at Neon Trees concert

But this isn't going to be a rant on true worship.

I was immediately reminded of our own youth congregation in my church. We're not the expressive sort. Raising hands or kneeling on the ground was reserved for events where the Spirit Himself comes so strongly that everyone has no choice but to do so. (believe me, I've felt that)

But I wondered: If we could accord our favorite pop stars or celebrities such honor, why do we hesitate to do so for our great God? Obviously He deserves far, far more. Shouldn't we be as extravagant in our worship, and accord all the glory to Him as He deserves?

I've learnt something new last night. Thank You.

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