Friday, May 4, 2012

The Original Life

I've just started a new site called The Original Life. The Original Life pens down my thoughts on how every single one of us can live a larger, simpler life by breaking out of norms. It is meant not only just to inspire others to take stock and do something about their lives, but also to continually convince and remind myself daily that there is so much more to life than just living according to the norms, and absolutely nothing wrong with being different. Do drop me a visit and check it out, and I'd love to hear from you there too :)

I will still post occasionally on this blog as my personal site, so don't run away!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Faith like a Mustard Seed

Having faith is incredibly hard. Even just a mustard seed of it. Because we are fallen, its hard to give up sovereignty of our own lives. When things go wrong, and times get hard, we try to wrest the steering wheel back from Jesus again.

I learnt the hard way.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Day In Your Mobile Life

Your alarm clock on your iPhone dock blares its unwelcoming wake-up call at 5 o'clock sharp in the morning. Groaning, you lean over and turn it off with a careless swipe of your hand. Stumbling over some laundry on the floor, you turn on your computer using the remote access application on your iPhone, and head over to the bathroom for a shower.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


The recent trend of hash tagging #firstworldproblem got me thinking. The fact that we are aware that the bulk of our miseries arise out of non-life-threatening first world problems, yet continue to fret and obsess about them seems to be symptomatic of a much, much larger issue. That is, we're literally immune to this phenomena. We understand that our first world problems are, well, first world, and as a result fairly unimportant in the grand scheme of things. Yet we whine and moan like our life depended on them.

Our generation is growing up as one that is immune to the plight of third world problems - starvation, drought, torture, survival, death. And that is a scary thought. Aren't we called to be people after God's heart - His heart for the people? I'm afraid that we might lose that compassion.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

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