Monday, June 27, 2011

Lean not on my understanding

Hi all! I know I said I would do a reflective post on the camp. However, I haven't found the time to really sit down and think about it, and I feel a slipshod writeup on it wouldn't do justice to it! So... it will have to wait.

For now though, here is my recent train of thought.

I have been pondering about our motivations in life. Christians, non-Christians, actually it turns out a lot of us aren't so different after all. No matter how much Christians say they would like to 'follow God's plans', it still turns out we use our own common sense and label it as 'God'. Of course, we justify it by saying that we 'feel' it's what God wants us to do. But is it, really? I really cannot tell.

One thing I do know, however - our motivation should really be to devote ourselves entirely to Him. Often, we lean on our own understanding, but we need to really trust God with all we have and do. And when I say all, I really mean ALL. No joke - entirety. It seems an impossible feat for us, sure. But I believe that's something we should all work towards.

I beg to differ from popular belief that all we do is for ourselves to improve and be more Christ-like, or all we do is for the people around us - the needy, the poor, the lost. I believe that is more of the overflow or outcome of what we do. But it should not be our motivation. Confused? I believe unequivocally that we need to do all things only and only for Jesus alone, because of our devotion and love for Him. It is something that I have only recently learnt - we do not because we can, not because we should, but because of Him.

I hope that makes sense.

Recently, I've been meaning to quit from my current place of work. I've been having a bad experience - not much to learn, not many friends, simply a drag to work there. I even made arrangements to change job as soon as I could, if I could. Yet, today was quite a big change, after we moved office. I felt I enjoyed my work a lot more due to the change. And my misery was lifted. God did something that I never expected, with my own limited common sense.

And I hope I continue to lean on His understanding rather than my own.

Monday, June 13, 2011


D'Anchor BMT (Be Missionally Transformed) 2011 Youth Camp has finally come to an end - and what an exhilarating journey it has been! As part of the program planning team, I've experienced the ups and downs of the roller coaster that is the planning and execution process, and come out the other end with many lessons and thoughts in mind. I shall jot this down at a later time when I have gathered and formed out my thoughts, but regardless, I must say it was an excellent time for the youths and us as the committee alike, and I thank God for the opportunity to touch these youths' lives. :) All in all, praise God for all things that have happened and is going to happen!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Yes or No? This or That?

Yes, I'm back! After Year 1 ended, it's been a crazy ride of non-stop action in various avenues. Finally, I find a pocket of fresh air to breath in - for now, anyway.

I've been considering the whole paradigm of making a choice. Essentially, there are only two choices we need to make - yes or no. This came up as I considered my roles in my church and where I was going with them. For each, I had to ponder their continued existence in my life - yes or no?

Logically, it's an extremely difficult choice. 50-50 aren't great odds by any means. Thankfully, I can consider environmental factors. Yet, such environmental factors are tainted by bias and influence from others and upbringing. For example, I might want to continue in my role in a certain organisation because of the influence of a leader or the ideas I have been made to believe growing up in the same environment. So how do I determine if my choice is the right choice or 'right' choice?

I pondered this as I did my quiet time a few nights ago. My conclusion, two points: God has a reason and purpose for wherever you are, whatever you are doing, so essentially there is no wrong choice; with God, under no circumstances should I worry - all things work out for the good of those under His umbrella of Grace.

This doesn't make my choosing any much easier, but it does give me peace in that whatever I may choose, I am not wrong, and I should not be convinced otherwise.
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